Monday, December 30, 2013

+David C. Edingburg " Alias" David C. White, a Mystery

   While I was doing research on my Edingburg side, I thought I had found all my my gr grandfather Daniel T. Edingburg's siblings.  Then a few years later after getting the Eastern Band Cherokee Roll documents from my cousins, I discovered that Daniel had an older brother. He was listed in the documents along with a mention of a half sister which I thought was a full sister.

David Charles Edingburg born June 13, 1845 Washington County, Virginia to William and Rachel Edingburg, died April 19, 1930.  Buried in The National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks, St Louis, Missouri. Section 57, Grave # 12956.

   David has left me with a puzzle, one I hope to eventually figure out.  He was a Sgt in the Civil War, Company D 5th United States Colored Calvary and was discharged March 16, 1866. 
Check out his names:

Some cousins and friends from one of my DNA genealogy Facebook groups helped me find David in Fold3 before I subscribed to it.  They found this document and another one.  In this document he's in the Cavalry. 

Now check out this next document:

When he goes into the Infantry he uses a different name. He keeps his first and middle name the same, but his surname changes.  At first I thought he was two different people but then I got his document where his headstone was ordered and it's the same thing.
So far I haven't found out why they gave him two names and why they buried him with his alias.  Hopefully someone reading this might have a clue.
After finding David I just happened to be going to Chicago area for a visit, and I stopped by the Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery to see if I could find David's tombstone, unfortunately they were moving things around and opening up a new section so the computers were down so we didn't get to find him that day. One of my new cousins that helped me search for Daniel on Fold3 requested a photo of his tombstone from Find a Grave and it came back right away.

David was married to a Kate Jones on April 19, 1882 in Washington County, VA., mostly likely in Abingdon where his family lives.  David was 35 years old and Kate was 16 years old.  They had two children Mary Edingburg b: 1884 in Chattanooga, Tennessee and Dave Charles Edingburg b: 1885 Chattanooga, Tennessee. 
I checked the census for 1910 but David is already a widower.   I haven't been able to find how Kate died or when or where. Kates parents were Owen and Mary Jones, I haven't found Mary's surname yet.
   In the 1910 census David is 64 years old living with his daughter Mary, age 26 in a boarding house.  The census says that Mary can't read or write.  

David and Kate's Marriage License:

David stayed in St Louis the rest of his life and from the letters my grandmother had that he wrote to his brother Daniel, he was happy and content, enjoying his retirement and was even doing some side jobs to make extra money. He didn't say what the side jobs were. 
I continue to research David and his children, I haven't found what happened to Mary his daughter, his son David married a woman named Julia born 1887 VA, no maiden name found yet, they were married by the year 1900 and living with a John Cotton which says he's a cousin of Dave. Hummm another person to research. 

Source Citations: U.S Colored Troops, Military Services Records 1861-1865 ( data base on-line) Provo, UT, U.S.A Operations 2007.  Original data, Compiled Military Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Washington DC, National Archives & Records Administration. U.S National Cemetery Interment Control Forms, 1928-1962 ( data on-line) Provo, UT, USA: Operations 2012.

Historical Society Washington County Virginia.

Find A Grave ( on-line)

Fold3 by 

National Archives.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

My Childhood Friend and the Bible

    It all began when I got this email from this man that I didn't know or thought I didn't know.  He said, are you XYZ, and did you use to live in Chattanooga, TN., and were you related to the Edingburg's?  Wow this got my attention which the answer to all those questions was Yes.  So I wrote back but didn't offer any more than what he asked me.  He writes back and says that he's the brother of Connie and that they use to live next door to us and we use to play with each other when we were little.  

   I immediately knew who this was but never in my wildest dreams would I have thought they would remember me let alone find me.  For many many years I always thought about the little girl that I use to play with and her sister and brothers but when I would ask my mom if she knew anything about what happened to them or if they kept in contact she said no.   So he wrote back again and said that the Edingburg's were good friends with them and that they wondered what had happened to us and also that they had been trying to locate me or anyone in the family since 1962.. Big Wow.. That's a long time to keep looking for someone.  I Wonder Why???

    Then he writes back and tells me this incredible story.   The old home place that my gr grandfather Daniel Trigg Edingburg built was going to be torn down back in 1962 so a highway could be put through, and my Uncle Joe who is my uncle through marriage was in the house going through things  throwing just about everything out, including photos, dishes and more. No one knew exactly what he was doing though until one night the next door neighbors which actually didn't live that close, they came over after he left to go home and started looking in the trash to see what he was throwing out. The first night they saw a bunch of junk, and so didn't pay much attention to it. The next night he was back again and was throwing more stuff in the trash, so they came back again and looked in the trash and saw photos but the photos were too ruined to be saved by the time they got here, but they saw on top a huge bible so they took out the bible and went home with it. They looked at it and decided that it needed to go back to the family so they put it in a box and up to the attic it went, wrapped in plastic, then they set out to try and find my father, mother or me. 

He gave me Connie's email and we first exchanged photos of each other and got caught up on what was happening with each other. Then we talked on the phone.. They said they wanted to mail the bible back to it's home.  This was really interesting because I didn't know anyone in my family had a religious bone in their body.  No one talked about religion or anything related to it, so i just assumed that all the family was like that.
Connie said that she wanted to mail it to me but it was so fragile they weren't sure what was the best way to send it, the pages were so brittle, it was just in terrible shape.  They packaged it up in it's original plastic and in a tight fitting box and sent it out UPS. 

When it arrived a few days later, it was huge, and very much in poor shape.  I started looking through it at all the tons of pictures. This book belonged to my gr grandparents, it has their names on the first section in the back, and where they were born, when and where they got married, then it has all their children listed when they were father and uncle are listed  also who delivered them if it was in the hospital or at home, and what time they were born, and the doctors name.  Also in between some pages were report cards from my Aunt Hattie and Aunt Blanche my grandmother's sisters from their grammar school days.

I did some research on the bible and found out in 1855 The Southwestern Publishing Company out of Nashville, TN  published it, and after the Civil War they started selling the books door to door mostly college students selling them. This book was published in 1881.  It was exciting holding something that my gr grandparents owned, touched and wrote in.

This bible sat in the attic 51 years before I received it.  Who would have thought that something like this would happen.  So as to how they found me,  apparently my mother kept in contact with one of her college friends from Chattanooga, and by chance one of the family that had the bible ran into my mom's friend and asked where we were living or if she had an address or email.  She just happened to have my email, for what reason I have no idea as I've never heard from her once. I had no idea she had my email.  The ancestors must have been getting the entire process in motion.

While all of this communication was going on, I was taking care of my mother, she had moved in with us. I wanted to visit with Connie and see the family but it wasn't possible.  In 2012 in April my mom passed away and we made plans in August to go to my husband's family reunion in Atlanta, GA. so while there we also made arrangements to visit with Connie, meet her husband and also got to see her little sister.  We spent the day with Connie  going around to the ancestors cemeteries taking pictures of tombstones and her ancestors headstones as well.  I found out that her younger sister named her daughter after  me.  None of us realized what an impact us moving away had on the other.  We all wondered what happened to our friend or friends. It was such a long time ago I had forgotten my friends name but I remembered that she lived next door across the field and she use to come play with me. She would go with us to Tuskegee, Alabama to the Veterans hospital to see my grandfather.    

  It was quite an adventure.  It took 51 years to reach the family, and reconnected old friends.  I'm sure my gr grandparents Daniel and Minnie Edingburg are happy now that their bible returned home.

You did an excellent job Daniel and Minnie Edingburg paving the pathway for your book to return to it's family home. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Harriet Banks and Mary Rush with Matthew L.Davenport

My gr grandmother Harriet Banks was born in Kemper county Mississippi, she was listed in the 1910 census as Black, single and living with her two daughters ages 15 and 9 years old.  There isn't any information about Harriet except that she had 5 children (one of them my grandfather William T. Banks) with Matthew Lawrence Davenport.  So far I haven't found a photo of Harriet, I'm hoping that someday some family member will read this and share photos and stories.
  From what I understand from my cousin Walter who is the grandson of Matthew, they had the 5 children which Matthew acknowledged all of them but with the laws of the time, he couldn't give them his surname nor could he live with them unless they were servants, that's the story I was told anyway.
This is a picture of Mary Rush.

   Then when Harriet died, Matthew took up with Mary Rush, in the 1910 census Mary is listed as mulatto, living next door to William Davenport, Matthew is 27 years old, Mary Rush is 16 years old she's a servant.  I didn't find them in the 1920 census so far.  By the 1930 census Mary is still living next door to Matthew but she now has 4 children, her mother Emma is still living with her, William B. Davenport has since died and Matthew is still single living in the home.  Walter said that Mary was a servant for show but that Matthew loved all his children and treated them as such.  
Walter tells a story about going down to Porterville, Mississippi to visit the family and to see Mary Rush when he arrives, no one is home so he sits on the steps to wait, while waiting he sees some sort of procession in the street, this was in 1977.  He gets up and goes towards the procession, and asks one of the people what was going on, they replied its a funeral, Walter asks for who, they told him it was for Mary Rush.  An amazing story, he didn't know Mary had died but went to visit only to find out that she had passed away and he arrived just in time for the funeral.
I love to hear stories. 

Matthew !!! Great Uncle??? or Gr Grandfather???

   Matthew Lawrence Davenport

b: November 14, abt 1870 Porterville, MS
d: November 1, 1965, Porterville, Kemper Co. MS

Matthew Lawrence Davenport's story and my search to find out the truth is so long and dragged out, so I'm going to try and condense it the best I can.
   When I first found out about Matthew, it was through a first cousin once removed, she actually had two surnames, Grantham and Davenport and no first name.  Then through another cousin I found out his first name was Lawrence Mack Davenport, still not the correct first name but getting close.  Then I go visit my aunt and she shows me a picture of a man it's in a oval looking sort of Tin Type frame, and on the back it has some writing: Mr Davenport, no first name and also some other writing which I can't make out and a question mark after it.  This time frame has spread out now from 2001 - 2007. 

 So I take a picture of her photo and some other pictures she had of the family and when I flew back home I immediately got started researching.   The first thing I did was post a query on Rootsweb with what little info I had.  Then my aunt calls me and says I should call my cousin Walter and ask him. I hadn't see Walter since I was a little girl, didn't even know where he was living now or anything. She gave me his phone number and I called.

He gave me lots of information, said he's been researching for many years before the internet, and he was finished looking, he gave me a CD with photos, several family trees.  So I get to work again researching, still no Lawrence Mack Davenport, but a year later there Mack is. I figured that just hadn't posted his information until then.  I finally found him..So cool.  I also found out that "Mack" was his nick name.

Then while on I find a person that has a photo of a man that looks like Matthew but an older picture of him, I'm sure it's Matthew, so I contact this person, he says he's related to the Davenports has lots of information except his information doesn't match up with mine.

He says that Matthew is my great uncle not by gr grandfather, and that my gr grandfather is William B. Davenport which is Matthew's father.  I immediately called Walter.  Walter says no he's wrong, my grandfather is Mack, I've met him, some of my children have met him, they use to visit him in Mississippi.  They visited Matthew off and on until he died in 1965. 

The other cousin had no communication with Matthew. So I knew then that Walter's story was what I was going with.
This is a photo on the left of Matthew with my great uncle Ollie.  You can see how they favor each other in features,(father and son), taken in Porterville, Mississippi.
 My aunt died not long after my visit with her and a couple of years later her daughter, my first cousin, sent me the photo of Matthew in the oval frame to keep, she said she knew I would love to have it since I did the family research.  She has been really great with trying to remember stories that were told in the family and sharing photos that she finds.
The census and record keepers back in those days didn't record everything correctly, plus some people didn't always know exactly when they were born, I've found many census records with incorrect dates, even military records .
So now the puzzle is solved.  I can now place my gr grandfather in his correct position in the family tree.

More on Matthew in upcoming blogs

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Happy Kwanzaa

Today is the 47th Annual day of Kwanzaa,  there are 7 Principles that are practiced during this time, 

1- Umoja- Unity
2- Kujichajulia- Self Determination
3- Ujima- Collective Work and Responsibility
4- Ujamaa-  Cooperative Economics
5- Nia- A Sense of Purpose
6- Kuumba- Creativity
7- Imani- Faith

Peace, Love and Light, Clans.

Monday, December 16, 2013

+What a Surprise in"Snail Mail" Today

     This after noon I get my mail, and I have two cards both from the same cousin. When I open up my one card, I have two photos inside.
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!..I love getting photos.  One is a photo of my Great Uncle Franklin Key, who is my Grandma Lena's father's brother.  In the photo he's sitting next to his granddaughter Eva and Huby.
On the back of the photo it says: Eva, Huby and grandpa. So I don't know if Huby stands for husband or if that's his name.
I have a photo of Franklin but it was so blurred you couldn't really see his features, so this is wonderful. 

The other photo is a picture of my grandfather William Thomas Banks, I had seen this photo somewhere before, but never had a copy in my possession, now I have two photos of my grandfather.  William was born in Mississippi as was Franklin. William moved to Chattanooga and lived there until he died around 1939, I never had a chance to see or know him. From the research on Franklin he lived in Mississippi but at some point he moved to live with his daughter in Detroit Michigan. 

I continue to research Franklin and William  to find out when exactly they died, and where they are buried.  My research is also going to all the branches of Franklin's family to see if any cousins are around that I can connect with.   What a "Wonderful Gift" from my cousin.  She said, she thought I'd get a kick out of this.  "I'm Way Excited".

The Ancestors are with me every day all day long guiding me, and sending people to me to help with my journey to know them, and to keep their memory alive.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Did Jordon Really have a Foreign Accent?

     This is my great grandfather on my father's paternal side.  Here is an article written about him:

Taken from, The 1904 Biography and Achievements of the Colored Citizens of Chattanooga. Compiled by: J. Bliss White.

Mr. J. L. Zuber was born in Floyd County, near Rome, GA., June 18, 1866.  He lived there until he was nineteen years old, and then came to Chattanooga, where he learned the moulders trade, and worked at it for twelve years.  He decided to go into business, and opened a grocery store at 416 Whiteside Street.  He has steadily increased his stock of goods and has now one of the most complete businesses of its kind in the city.  He has purchased property on West Montgomery Avenue, and is now erecting a two-story building which he intends to occupy when completed.  He is successful, energetic, and a thorough business man.. He says that it is his intention to live up to the Golden Rule as near as possible.

According to family stories, Jordan had a foreign accent, several members of my family thought he was from South America, or that he might have been part Chinese, even Jewish.  My father and his brother use to frequent their grandfathers grocery store and he would give them peanut butter and crackers but since Jordon didn't speak English very well they never stayed around to visit him. I had visions of Jordon looking either part Asian or Spanish. Through DNA testing for myself, I do have some Asian and some Jewish.  However the story got started, as far as I know through documentation, Jordon was born in Georgia.
The 1940 census shows Jordon's grocery store still in business, and from city directories the store was still open in 1941 after Jordon's death, and his daughter was running it. Jordon married, Susan L. Love in 1895 they had 6 children, Garnett, Shantung, James, Cephus, Alberta and Elbyra.

Jordon, b: 6/18/1866 - d:7/26/1941
 Susan, b:4/1876 - d:7/31/1939

 Jordon, Susan, Shantung, James, Cephus and Elbyra are all buried in  "Highland Memorial Gardens Cemetery". Chattanooga, Tennessee.

I'll never know if Jordon had a foreign accent but it's been fun thinking about if he did or not and what he sounded like.

Source Citations:
Find a Grave, (on-line)
J. Bliss White

Sunday, December 8, 2013

My Great Grandparents, Part 3, Daniel Continued

      Growing up I always heard that we were Choctaw, Creek and Cherokee. We did the normal Native American things, we went to Pow Wow's, I danced in the Pow Wow's, I taught myself how to do the bead work and made lots of items to sell to some of the dancers that did the Pow Wow scene.  I made breast plates, feathered dance fans, shell shakers, moccasins. 

We went to Stomp Dances, just pretty much did the whole Pow Wow circuit.  All along though we never had any proof as to if the Native American family story was really true.

A few years ago, my cousin Mark flew down to Chattanooga, TN and met his sister Sue there, they were in search of some information on the Edingburg line.
They went to the library and started looking through records and found some documents where Daniel had filled out an application for the Eastern Band Cherokee Guion Miller Roll, these are the documents that he found..They not only told an interesting story but provided us with our 2nd and 3rd great grand parents names as well as the 3rd great grandparents children's names.

Letter to Daniel from the Roll Office:
Letter from Daniel to the Roll Office:

Here is the First page of the Application for enrollment in the Guion Miller Rolls:

Page 2:
Page 3:
Page 4:

Page 5:

After all this correspondence the application was rejected because it was filed too late.

Source Citations:

Chattanooga Library, Chattanooga, TN

Saturday, December 7, 2013

My Gr Grandparents, Part 2

My grandmother had several items in a box which were passed on to me after she died. One of the items was a letter in it's original envelope addressed to her father Daniel.

It's from the secretary of the Prince Hall Masonic Temple dated: June 12, 1916
Here is the letter:

This letter is 97 years old. I still have it in the original box that my grandmother put it in.

Also found in the box was this it belonged to my 2nd great grandmother Minnie, Daniel's wife:

With the help of some cousins in one of my Facebook groups and friends we were able to determine what this is.  

It's from the "Knights of the Wise Men", an organization for black men formed 1879 in Nashville, TN.  It was a fraternal insurance and burial type benefit.  The largest order was in Chattanooga, TN.  A smallpox epidemic pretty much wiped out the organization because of benefit pay outs.  Then the Secretary/Treasurer left with the remaining money in 1891 never to be seen again.
Singer/Songwriter Lionel Ritchie's great grandfather , J. Lewis Brown was the founder of this organization.

So it appears that Minnie Edingburg was also active in the Temple, which was interesting to find out. I read that the organization was only mentioned up until about 1915 after that it was closed down.

My Great Grandparents

My great grandfather:

 Daniel Trigg Edingburg,

  b: May 15, 1852, Abingdon, Washington County, Virginia
d: Sept. 22, 1926, Chattanooga, Hamilton Co, TN.

Married to:

MinnieHaha Martha McKeldin

b: Dec, 1 1855 Athens, McMinn County, TN
d: Dec 6, 1940  Chattanooga, Hamilton Co, TN.

Daniel and Minnie were married on:
June 28, 1877 Athens, TN

There is an article in a book about Daniel, Compiled by:  J.Bliss White.

The article about Daniel is on page 56 and this book is where I got my photo of him.

My cousins Mark and Sue are the ones that discovered this book while doing some research on the Edingburg family. I eventually bought the book , Mark told me that there was a Zuber listed in the book also and sure enough my other gr grandfather was there.
Also listed on the back pages are some homes and Daniel's home is there, Daniel built this house himself, I was born in Chattanooga and lived in the house. In 1962 the house had to be torn down because the city wanted a highway to go through right where the house stood. That was very very sad for me.  So much history and memories in the house. But I do have pictures of my parents, aunt , myself at the home outside and inside. 

Daniel eventually bought the property to the right of this picture and that side fence was taken down..there was a small cottage in the back of the house which you can partially see and that is where Daniel's son William lived. 
I'm not sure who the woman is standing in the front since they don't say in the article but I am assuming that it is probably Minnie. She's about the right size in shape.
My room was upstairs, I had an upright piano that I would try to play that was in the sitting room.   All of Daniel's children lived in this home and of course me, his great granddaughter. 
After they tore the house down, I still went back to Chattanooga once a year and stayed with my Great Aunt Blanche for two weeks.  That was my summer vacation. I would fly down by myself. That was from 1962 until 1968. 
I was twelve years old when they tore the house down.

More of the Daniel story to continue:

Source Citations:
J. Bliss White


I've been keeping in touch with all my new cousins, Preston the cousin that contacted me on Rootsweb, made arrangements that following Spring of 2010 to come to Missouri to see us. 
He came with his wife and two boys.  
It was a very emotional moment for me finding and meeting a new cousin, especially since I already knew who our common ancestor was.
They stayed the weekend, we discussed lots of family information, told stories and had a wonderful time.
Year: 2010

After their visit I decided to look on Facebook just to see if I could find any one with the surname Edingburg.  I found one young woman who looked like she might be related to me, and I actually went by the freckles on her face that determined that she might be, so I sent her a message asking her if she had any relatives with the first name Roscoe, then I told her that his real name was : Theodric Roscoe Edingburg, she replied she sent me a friend request.
   From that I got a message from her uncle that he was related to Roscoe, I wrote back saying that Roscoe was my great uncle and that I knew him when I was little and he was my grandmother's brother.
Wow that was the beginning of a new set of cousins again in Chicago..another branch of the family.
Now so far I've found Daniel Trigg Edingburg Jr.'s branch which is Preston and those cousins, then I find Roscoe's branch which is Mark and his siblings nieces and more. These are all second cousins of mine.
We also exchange photos Mark and I and I found more on Facebook with Mark's help.
My family tree is growing by leaps and bounds by now, like I said  I now have a big tribe of family living in Chicago.

Me and my cousin Preston. 2013

My 2nd Great Grandparents

     My 2nd great grandfather; William Edingburg

  born 1806, Albemarle County, Virginia, death and place of death unknown but he most likely died in Abingdon, Washington County, Virginia. The last census on him was in 1880 living with his daughter and son in-law.
Married to:

 My 2nd great grandmother,

 Rachel Hardee born: 1825 West Virginia. date of death and place of death unknown but mostly like also Abingdon, Washington County, Virginia.

I tried for years to find any information about my two 2nd great grandparents. Then I came across a website The Historical Society of Washington County Virginia. 
They offer look ups for a small fee, you can ask two questions about the person you're inquiring about, so i sent in the check with 4 questions about two people.
This is what I received from the search from the Historical Society:

Wow was I happy, I'd hit the jackpot, not only did i get one question answered but I also found out who his last slave owner was and his wife's last slave owner's name plus date of when his son David married and lots more listed above.

I still haven't found out his date of death but I'll keep searching.


The Journey Begins

 Hello my name is Xzanthia ( pronounced: X-zan-thia.)  The X and Z are both pronounced.

My family research began in 2001 when I attended a Genealogy class one weekend.
It's always been fascinating to me digging into family history, stories, looking at family photos.  Growing up I use to ask a lot of questions about the different family members.  I didn't always get as much answered as I would have liked.
So the genealogy class started me on a quest to learn more about my ancestors.  My plan was to start out with what I already knew, so I started a family tree and went to work filling in all the information, photos and documents that I could find.
I did all the research on the Internet and after that just trying to find anything new.  Even though I would go on the family tree, and try to find something new, there didn't seem to ever be any  new hints. This slow time lasted about 7 years, after a while I was beginning to feel that my ancestors didn't leave any paper trails.  Then one day I decided to post a query on Rootsweb, I posted my gr grandfather's name, where he was born and all the necessary information with hopes that someone would reply. Still nothing happened. Then on November 12, 2009 I get a reply it says:

Dated: Nov. 12, 2009  2:16 pm.

Hello Xzanthia, I am the great grandson of Daniel Trigg Edinburg.  We are trying to obtain information so that we don't loose our family heritage.  We live in Illinois, which is where my great grandfather passed away.

The next message I received from him:
Dated: Nov 13, 2009 6:41 pm

My name is Preston, My great grandmother was Jenny Edinburg.  She and my Great grandfather from what I understand migrated from TN. to IL.  My email address is: xxxxxx, lets keep chating.

As it turned out, not only did I find my cousin Preston, but a whole tribe of family all living in Chicago, Illinois.  My new found cousins shared a phone number with me and that same night, I talked to my new cousin Carla for about 3 hours on the phone.  I remember it was 3 am before we stopped, and that was because my voice was going away.
The next day we started sharing photos through email, and to my astonishment Carla had a baby picture of me, and a picture of my father in military uniform.  Carla said that she and the rest of the family would once a year around the holidays, take out the family album and she and her son Todd would look at all the picture, when they got to the photo of me, they would always wonder who that baby was, and then they would look at my dad's photo and wonder who Zuber was ( that's my last name).  They always thought my dad looked Asian so they would always say " I wonder who that Asian man is"
They ended up having two picture of me after we finished sharing photos and one of the photos of me I had never seen before.
As we went through all the family history, Carla said that her uncle remembered an XYZ ( my initials), but didn't quite remember what family, where they lived or anything about them.  Just somehow they had a photo of us.
With all the sharing of information and photos, I found out that with just Preston and Carla's families alone, there were so many people it was hard to keep the names straight. I had a tribe to learn about as I would say.