Tuesday, September 13, 2016

+Walter Samuel Banks, Fond Memories

   When I was a little girl we would drive to Detroit, Michigan to visit some of my mom's relatives.  I remember visiting Uncle Ollie, and some other people which I can't even remember their names anymore, but I remember Uncle Ollie he was really my great uncle.  We use to visit Uncle Ollie once a year for many years, then all of a sudden the visits stopped. Uncle Ollie was Walter's father.
   Since I was young I really didn't think to ask why the visits stopped, and eventually I didn't give it much thought anymore.  Years later when I developed this interest in our family history, I started asking my mom, dad, and my aunt questions about the family. This was when my aunt told me about her cousin Walter.  She said he was very interested in the family history and a very nice man. So my aunt gave me Walter's phone number and I called him.
Walter Samuel Banks
 My first conversation with Walter was like I had known him all my life.  I remember one of the first things I asked him was: Did I ever meet you when I was little?  He said he had never met me.  Then my next question was I wonder why we stopped visiting Uncle Ollie. He was so funny, his remark was:  Probably because everyone died,  Such a simple and to the point answer which for some reason I had never thought of. Walter of course just laughed at what he had said. 

Walter said he use to live in Detroit, but he had moved to Arizona  sometime after he retired. To think that I use to live in Arizona and could have possibly met him a lot sooner if I had known he was there. Our conversations eventually went to family research, he told me he had done as much as he could with a family tree and he would send me what information he had with a disk and a calendar that he had made up to give to his children, which he has three daughters and one son and he might have given the information to his brothers as well.

Walter wasted no time in sending me the family tree information and that's when I discovered for the first time who my gr grandfather was and that side of the family. My aunt had a photo of my gr grandfather Matthew but we weren't really sure how he was related.  Walter solved that mystery for me, and I was able to tell the family that the photo was of my gr grandfather.
This information opened up a whole new family I had never heard of, they were from Mississippi. So I had another state to add to my list of growing locations.  The family tree Walter sent was full of not only our side of the family which was the Banks side but he also had his wife's Dew side as well. 
The disk had photos ,and there was the calendar with all the family members names in the date area of when they had died with a photo in that section, he really did a super great job putting all that together and without internet.

Every time we would talk on the phone, we talked about family, he would tell me about his grandfather Matthew, and going to Mississippi to visit him.  Also he told me about going to Mississippi one time to visit and when he got there he was at the house to visit Mary Rush Matthew's wife and a funeral procession was going on so he asked who died and it was Mary Rush who had died.  Interesting how he was guided to be there  to say goodbye.

Years later when the DNA test were out and becoming popular, I asked Walter if I bought a DNA kit would he take the test, he was more than happy to do that, so I sent him the kit and he sent it in.  He was really excited to see the results and we talked about that for many many more conversations.

He wasn't really into talking for a long time on the phone, so our conversations didn't last more than fifteen minutes but we crammed a lot into that little time.  He said that I was funny and made him laugh a lot and he really did get tickled at me sometimes, and he would have the hardiest laugh and long.  I enjoyed hearing him laugh.

When he started getting sick, our conversations became fewer and he was also busy helping someone else which took a lot of his personal time away.  He was very devoted to his friend even more than I personally thought he should have been, but that was the way Walter was. He was very generous.

We talked so much about family tree information that I didn't learn very much about his life, I know he went to a university and I know he worked in a school as a principal.

When I told Walter that I was working on the family tree he was so excited because he was glad that someone else was carrying on the research, he was pretty much tired of doing it.  So when I found out anything new I would send him an update so he would know  Plus I was able to go much farther back in the tree so he could see all these ancestors and where they came from, what they did for a living. He was always so grateful and he would alway thank me for doing it.

Even though I didn't ever get to meet Walter in person, I have this deep feeling of loss for him,  I miss our phone conversations and when he had his computer working we use to email each other.  Now I can't just call him and ask him a question or tell him something new.  I may not have known him long but the time we had was a wonderful.  He gifted me his knowledge, his humor, and himself.  I will treasure the memories the rest of my life.  

As  I find out more about Walter I will update this post. I will be asking my cousin more questions. 

R.I.P  : Peaceful Journey Cousin.  Love you Always.

Walter Samuel Banks 
October 2, 1933 Detroit, Michigan
 March   17, 2016 , Sun City, Maricopa, Arizona

Monday, July 4, 2016

+Daniel Zuber, to Appear in Court

Daniel Zuber is my 5th gr grandfather, he was born in 1710 in Newtown, PA, and died: 1785 Brecknock, Lancaster Co. PA.   He married Elizabeth Betchel, born, 1730-1782

While doing some research and updating my family tree this showed up in my Ancestry Hints last night. It was so hard to read some of the document so I posted it on Facebook to a group I am in called Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness ,and they deciphered it for me. Thank you very much to the group for doing this.

It says May

Daniel Zuber being three times solemnly called & not appearing.  Recognizance forfeited & respited till tomorrow morning.
Abraham Whitmores & Henry Whitmores Recognizance called Forfeited and respited till tomorrow morning.

George Weidle, Martin Myers & Benjamin Myers Recognizance called & forfeited -- forfeitures afterwards taken off By the Court ? ? prime? minutes

Daniel Zuber ( Felony ( illeg---)
? Confession

Prisoner being brought to the Bar & being asked why sentence of Death should not be passed upon him pleaded a Pardon had?  In the hand of the president by order of Council & under the State Seal which was read in open Court and allowed.

Lancaster County Ss.

The CommonWealth of Pennsylvania
Henry Doern ...Tent in ...500 ( pounds)
Doern ... in 500 ( pounds
George Hoofnagle ... In 500 ( pounds)
Peter Row .... In 500 ( pounds)
The Condition of this Recognizance is such that you & each of you do personally appear in this Court of Oyer & Terminer & General Goal in an ACtion brought against Daniel Zuber for Passing Counterfeit Continental 40 Dollar Bills and you are not to depart said Court until legally discharged by due course of Law.
September 5th 1799

M?Lutely? or N?Hubley?

Daniel Zuber tent in 200 ( pounds)
Abraham Whitmore Tent in 50 ( pounds)
Peter Row Tent in 50 (pounds)
upon condition that if Daniel Zuber should? personally be and appear before the Justices of the ? Court of Oyer & Terminer to be held at Carlisle to testify agn Valentine Schockey etc ? & not depart etc?

I haven't established if Daniel was put in jail or if he had to pay the 200.  The legal terminology is something hard to decipher for me anyway.
If I find out I will post an update to this page.

Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness

My Personal thoughts on July 4th

When I think of the July 4th, it's a regular day nothing special. 

 If I want to think deeper on the 4th of July, I go back to when the Native Americans were being slaughtered, stolen from, lied to, then from there I can go to the Africans who were brought here to be sold into slavery. I think of the White House and all the plantations homes being constructed by Slaves. The indentured people who had to serve a person for up to 10 years sometimes just to become a free person. 
The Mexicans having to fight to try to keep Texas and all the other land that they had before the greedy Americans came and wanted to take it.

  America is based on Steal this,  lie and cover your tracks, sign a treaty with the Native Americans, but don't ever honor it. Make sure when you take the land from them that if you find gold or anything worth money that you can take it back.
Also make sure that the Black people can't read or write so they won't know what's going on around them.

The Statue of Liberty and how she wasn't even suppose to look like she does because America didn't want a Black Woman Statue.  I see the founding slaveholding fathers signing the Declaration of Independence with nothing but lies backing up that document.  I see Native Americans being forced to go to Christian boarding schools and beaten, made to eat soap, and many horrible things if they spoke their true native language. Being brainwashed to take on a Cult Christian religion, then have the nerve to call the Natives heathens.
Then there are the Black people forced to give up their African spiritual beliefs and take the Christian Cult Religion which is so brutal, based on fear, control and greed.  

So for me the 4th of July is a reminder that the lies still continue nothing has changed, things are just disguised in different clothing. It doesn't matter to me if people disagree with me, they are entitled to their opinion as I am mine.
With all this said, I still don't understand how Black people and Native Americans can take on Christianity as their religion. That is mind blowing to me.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

+Zuber Family Tree Update

Well here I am again, it's been a while since I posted anything on the blog.  I was trying to get some documents, and more information together so I could write more about the Zuber side of my family. 
It's been complicated because of the issue of slavery.  I had suspicions about who the father of my gr grandfather was for so many years. Then through DNA testing I found some cousins that shared with me a lot of Zuber information and from their information I was able to add more Zuber people that go back to Germany and Denmark.  Richard S. Zuber was the father of Jordan L. Zuber. Richard was born 1829 in Oglethorpe Co. Georgia. He fathered two children with Tamer Zuber. Jordon and Walter. 

 Richard died May 8, 1897 in Rome, Georgia.

Richard Zuber's parents were: Daniel Zuber born: 1784, Lancaster, Lancaster Co. Pa 
                                                                  died: 1865 Floyd Co. Georgia
                                             Mary Nancy Finch, born: Dec. 15, 1788, Virginia
                                                                         died: Oct. 16, 1869, Floyd Co. Ga.

Daniel Zuber

Daniel and Mary were married: Feb,6 1805, Oglethorpe, Georgia.

Daniel Zuber's parents were:  

Abraham Zuber B: 1740 Lancaster Co. PA
                        D: 1802 Oglethorpe Co. Georgia
Mary Tureday Bartling, B: 1745, Denmark
                                   D: 1820, Georgia

Abraham and Mary were married in 1764, Philadelphia, PA.

Abraham was a Lieutenant Fifth Lancaster Co Battalion Penna, Militia.
 Link below:


Abraham Zuber's parents were: Daniel Zuber, B: 1710, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany
                                                                     1785, Brecknock Township,Lancaster Co. PA
                                              Elizabeth Betchel, B: 1730
                                                                           D: 1782

Daniel Zuber's parents were: George Zuber, B: 1685
                                                                  D: 1760
                                            Margaret VanHorn, B: 1680
                                                                          D: ?

They married in New York.

George Zuber's parents were:  John Michael Zuber, B: 1660, Hannover, Niedersachsen, 
                                                                              D: ?            Germany
                                              Catherine Marie DuChesne B: 1660
                                                                                       D: ?
The only other information I have is that Daniel Zuber unfortunately owned slaves.  I find it interesting that the family was from Pennsylvania, plus the families before them came to this country to get away from oppression yet they moved to the south and decided to buy and sell human beings. Richard owned slaves as well, I haven't looked yet into the other family members to see if they owned any.  All I can say to this is Shame On You Daniel and Richard.
I will add documents to this later for each of the people I have mentioned in the post as soon as I get them all in order.  I haven't been able to find out much about Mary Bartling, I was hoping to find some information about her being in Denmark and her family there.  Richard Zuber doesn't seem to have much of a paper trail either, but this is exciting to at least found out this much, it's been so many years not knowing anything at all. The DNA testing really cracked the brick wall right open.

Until next time.  
