Wednesday, June 1, 2016

+Zuber Family Tree Update

Well here I am again, it's been a while since I posted anything on the blog.  I was trying to get some documents, and more information together so I could write more about the Zuber side of my family. 
It's been complicated because of the issue of slavery.  I had suspicions about who the father of my gr grandfather was for so many years. Then through DNA testing I found some cousins that shared with me a lot of Zuber information and from their information I was able to add more Zuber people that go back to Germany and Denmark.  Richard S. Zuber was the father of Jordan L. Zuber. Richard was born 1829 in Oglethorpe Co. Georgia. He fathered two children with Tamer Zuber. Jordon and Walter. 

 Richard died May 8, 1897 in Rome, Georgia.

Richard Zuber's parents were: Daniel Zuber born: 1784, Lancaster, Lancaster Co. Pa 
                                                                  died: 1865 Floyd Co. Georgia
                                             Mary Nancy Finch, born: Dec. 15, 1788, Virginia
                                                                         died: Oct. 16, 1869, Floyd Co. Ga.

Daniel Zuber

Daniel and Mary were married: Feb,6 1805, Oglethorpe, Georgia.

Daniel Zuber's parents were:  

Abraham Zuber B: 1740 Lancaster Co. PA
                        D: 1802 Oglethorpe Co. Georgia
Mary Tureday Bartling, B: 1745, Denmark
                                   D: 1820, Georgia

Abraham and Mary were married in 1764, Philadelphia, PA.

Abraham was a Lieutenant Fifth Lancaster Co Battalion Penna, Militia.
 Link below:,+American+revolution&source=bl&ots=Rc0TzWuaIS&sig=Fs_P0ROUPX8vkeKB2lkknXL_WS4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwicyrDJ5LnKAhVE_WMKHcylBvoQ6AEIMzAF#v=onepage&q=Abraham%20Zuber%2C%20American%20revolution&f=false

Abraham Zuber's parents were: Daniel Zuber, B: 1710, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany
                                                                     1785, Brecknock Township,Lancaster Co. PA
                                              Elizabeth Betchel, B: 1730
                                                                           D: 1782

Daniel Zuber's parents were: George Zuber, B: 1685
                                                                  D: 1760
                                            Margaret VanHorn, B: 1680
                                                                          D: ?

They married in New York.

George Zuber's parents were:  John Michael Zuber, B: 1660, Hannover, Niedersachsen, 
                                                                              D: ?            Germany
                                              Catherine Marie DuChesne B: 1660
                                                                                       D: ?
The only other information I have is that Daniel Zuber unfortunately owned slaves.  I find it interesting that the family was from Pennsylvania, plus the families before them came to this country to get away from oppression yet they moved to the south and decided to buy and sell human beings. Richard owned slaves as well, I haven't looked yet into the other family members to see if they owned any.  All I can say to this is Shame On You Daniel and Richard.
I will add documents to this later for each of the people I have mentioned in the post as soon as I get them all in order.  I haven't been able to find out much about Mary Bartling, I was hoping to find some information about her being in Denmark and her family there.  Richard Zuber doesn't seem to have much of a paper trail either, but this is exciting to at least found out this much, it's been so many years not knowing anything at all. The DNA testing really cracked the brick wall right open.

Until next time.  
