Friday, December 26, 2014

Kwanzaa 2014


The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa:

01- Umoja - Unity
02- Kujichajulia- Self-Determination
03- Ujima- Collective Work and Responsibility
04- Ujamaa-  Cooperative Economics 
05- Nia-  Purpose
06- Kuumba- Creativity
07- Imani- Faith

We had a very nice Kwanzaa lunch with a friend.  This past week I've spend sewing place mats and mat for friend made a candle holder for me, I didn't give him much time to prepare I just asked him if he could make me a candle holder something quick.  He made it and I painted the word Kwanzaa on it.

Also I went to several different stores looking for green and black candles which no one had in stock, so at the last minute yesterday I came up with this idea to see if I could spray paint some white candles I already had. it worked.  it wasn't the exact green that I wanted but at least I had green candles to use.

Below are some photos from our Kwanzaa lunch today.