Follow me through, Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Georgia exploring my family lineage with stories, photos and more.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Happy New Year 2018
I hope everyone has a healthy, prosperous and fun New Year. I hope we get rid of the TRASH that's in the White House along with the Republicans who have shown that they care nothing about the citizens of this country. I hope something drastic happens so we get rid of this moron in office.
I won't even go into how the year has been because everyone already knows. I've had a great Halloween/Samhain, my favorite and only holiday that I celebrate. I got a new sewing machine.
My guitar playing is improving and I learn something new every day. I'm still playing the hammered dulcimer and piano as well as once in a while I play the Psaltery and the Mandolin which aren't mine but I borrow them.
Our garden was great in some areas but not others but we were able to have great food for now and later.
I still do oil painting when I get the inspiration for doing it. Once I start I keep going and don't stop until it's finished.
I've met through Facebook some new DNA cousins and we are working on trying to find out common ancestor. That a long job and lots of research which will probably take me several
My New Year I celebrate in March at the beginning of Spring but I do this anyway.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
+Frankenstein and the White House
This doesn't have anything to do with genealogy, at all, this is my post so future generations of people will know that I am not a Trump supporter.
Trump is the most vile, disgraceful, evil, lower than scum, racist, KKK , Nazi lover and a total moron. Actually there isn't a word bad enough to describe him. He's beyond low, he's lower than the gutter.
He is soulless, heartless, ignorant, he knows nothing about the constitution. When Colin Kaepernick knelt, he totally explained why he was doing it in plain English where any person with a brain would understand. Yet this moron in the White House starts calling him SOB. wanting him fired. So apparently Trump doesn't know the constitution which gives Kaepernick the freedom to kneel, sit, stand, lay down anything he wants. Now the idiot in the White House wants to stop people from a peaceful protest.
Trump or as I like to call him, Frankenstein, now has his stupid supporters, who as soon as he says something spreads like a virus all over, and now people with no brains in their head are now agreeing with him that the kneeling is against the flag, against the military veterans, against the country..Where are these idiots coming from. As I said today, if Trump told his supports to go jump off a bridge they would ask" Which One" they apparently can't think on their own or even look up to find the truth they just follow the words of a total subhuman.
Trump is so busy playing golf while Americans are without water, food, housing, everything and he's concerned about some bill that he had to undo for 10 days. He is a disgrace to our country and the world.
He is such a bigot that he has had to repeal everything that President Obama did..yet the Republicans say that Obama did nothing,,So if he did nothing then how can he repeal anything. Such a moron.
All Trump really knows how to do is divide the country and start a civil war. All Trump knows how to do is go on vacation, play golf, which I hope he loses. I don't wish anything good for this subhuman, I hope everything that he tries to do fails. I can't and won't ever call him the title that he holds. President Obama was my President. Trump is just a joke.
His ego is so huge, he has to go on twitter and rant when he doesn't get his way.
He is disrespectful to women, has taken away women's health rights. He brags about grabbing women, yet some women were stupid enough to vote for him. Go figure. My other name for Trump is TRASH. Also the Republican women that supported Trump they are nothing but Stepford Wives, for them to vote against their own gender is unreal. TheStepford Wives are so stuck up their husband's butts that they can't see straight.
There is nothing at all that I can say about this good for nothing THING in the White House.
Also, Pence is a woman hater, he's the scum of the earth and in the same category as Trump in my opinion. The Republican party stinks, they care only about their donors, their agenda and their pocketbooks and of course how they look. They can't wait to repeal ACA, yet they had 8 years to work on it to make it better and have nothing, they just want to repeal it because a Black President started it. They don't care about the people having healthcare, if they did some Republican years ago could have given health care to the people but instead they wanted to keep charging tons of money to people for individual health insurance and those that couldn't afford it would just have to suffer, They don't care about healthcare they just want money in their pockets and the evil donors that pay them off to do their bidding.
The Democrats are spineless idiots also. They can't get anything together and make it work. They can't seem to find good people to run for office and they don't seem to be able to speak up and fight for what they want. Bunch of wimps. Both Republicans and Democrats have really stooped to an all-time low.
My favorite person that ran for President is Senator Bernie Sanders, He was my first choice. I think he would have made a great president. but he was ripped off by the Democrats. Plus, the stupid people that decided not to vote because they didn't want Hillary, or they voted for Trump because they didn't want Hillary. Well, I voted for Bernie until he was out of it then I voted for Hillary, I can't stand Hillary, but I felt she was a better choice than a KKK Nazi loving moron Trump.
Now the country is so divided, and Trump is keeping it that way with his ignorant stupid moron self.
I just wanted to write my thoughts on this stupid jerk in the White House so if anyone in the future ever looks up to see what I thought about this subhuman in the White House you will know I would never vote for such a vile, lower than pond scum, blasted bigot.
The only good thing I can see coming out of this is we are finding out just how Racist this country really is, they are coming out of the woodwork like crazy. That's not a good thing but yet it is good to know where your enemies are and where they are.
Unfortunately, I moved to a red state where there a plenty of bigots. But I always speak my mind and let people know right away that I don't agree with their racism. I will never be quiet until I die. That's just me. I speak my mind, and I don't care what anyone thinks.
And also, I have never stood for the anthem or the flag since I was little for the same reasons as Colin Kaepernick. Native Americans, African Americans, Jewish, Spanish, Asian all people that are the minority aren't treated equal in this country, women aren't either, so I have never stood because of that, I was doing this way before all of this kneeling stuff started, I've been doing this since 1956. So, this is old stuff for me, but I continue to sit and most likely will forever because I don't see any justice happening in the near future if there is even one, with Frankenstein in the White House.
I'm glad to see that other people are kneeling. I won't kneel I will continue to sit that's my way of protesting. but if there are no chairs I will kneel.
I truly believe that humans really aren't suited to this planet, we are like a walking virus, we ruin everything we touch. Destroy everything in our path and humans are getting worse by the minute.
Trump is the most vile, disgraceful, evil, lower than scum, racist, KKK , Nazi lover and a total moron. Actually there isn't a word bad enough to describe him. He's beyond low, he's lower than the gutter.
He is soulless, heartless, ignorant, he knows nothing about the constitution. When Colin Kaepernick knelt, he totally explained why he was doing it in plain English where any person with a brain would understand. Yet this moron in the White House starts calling him SOB. wanting him fired. So apparently Trump doesn't know the constitution which gives Kaepernick the freedom to kneel, sit, stand, lay down anything he wants. Now the idiot in the White House wants to stop people from a peaceful protest.
Trump or as I like to call him, Frankenstein, now has his stupid supporters, who as soon as he says something spreads like a virus all over, and now people with no brains in their head are now agreeing with him that the kneeling is against the flag, against the military veterans, against the country..Where are these idiots coming from. As I said today, if Trump told his supports to go jump off a bridge they would ask" Which One" they apparently can't think on their own or even look up to find the truth they just follow the words of a total subhuman.
Trump is so busy playing golf while Americans are without water, food, housing, everything and he's concerned about some bill that he had to undo for 10 days. He is a disgrace to our country and the world.
He is such a bigot that he has had to repeal everything that President Obama did..yet the Republicans say that Obama did nothing,,So if he did nothing then how can he repeal anything. Such a moron.
All Trump really knows how to do is divide the country and start a civil war. All Trump knows how to do is go on vacation, play golf, which I hope he loses. I don't wish anything good for this subhuman, I hope everything that he tries to do fails. I can't and won't ever call him the title that he holds. President Obama was my President. Trump is just a joke.
His ego is so huge, he has to go on twitter and rant when he doesn't get his way.
He is disrespectful to women, has taken away women's health rights. He brags about grabbing women, yet some women were stupid enough to vote for him. Go figure. My other name for Trump is TRASH. Also the Republican women that supported Trump they are nothing but Stepford Wives, for them to vote against their own gender is unreal. TheStepford Wives are so stuck up their husband's butts that they can't see straight.
There is nothing at all that I can say about this good for nothing THING in the White House.
Also, Pence is a woman hater, he's the scum of the earth and in the same category as Trump in my opinion. The Republican party stinks, they care only about their donors, their agenda and their pocketbooks and of course how they look. They can't wait to repeal ACA, yet they had 8 years to work on it to make it better and have nothing, they just want to repeal it because a Black President started it. They don't care about the people having healthcare, if they did some Republican years ago could have given health care to the people but instead they wanted to keep charging tons of money to people for individual health insurance and those that couldn't afford it would just have to suffer, They don't care about healthcare they just want money in their pockets and the evil donors that pay them off to do their bidding.
The Democrats are spineless idiots also. They can't get anything together and make it work. They can't seem to find good people to run for office and they don't seem to be able to speak up and fight for what they want. Bunch of wimps. Both Republicans and Democrats have really stooped to an all-time low.
My favorite person that ran for President is Senator Bernie Sanders, He was my first choice. I think he would have made a great president. but he was ripped off by the Democrats. Plus, the stupid people that decided not to vote because they didn't want Hillary, or they voted for Trump because they didn't want Hillary. Well, I voted for Bernie until he was out of it then I voted for Hillary, I can't stand Hillary, but I felt she was a better choice than a KKK Nazi loving moron Trump.
Now the country is so divided, and Trump is keeping it that way with his ignorant stupid moron self.
I just wanted to write my thoughts on this stupid jerk in the White House so if anyone in the future ever looks up to see what I thought about this subhuman in the White House you will know I would never vote for such a vile, lower than pond scum, blasted bigot.
The only good thing I can see coming out of this is we are finding out just how Racist this country really is, they are coming out of the woodwork like crazy. That's not a good thing but yet it is good to know where your enemies are and where they are.
Unfortunately, I moved to a red state where there a plenty of bigots. But I always speak my mind and let people know right away that I don't agree with their racism. I will never be quiet until I die. That's just me. I speak my mind, and I don't care what anyone thinks.
And also, I have never stood for the anthem or the flag since I was little for the same reasons as Colin Kaepernick. Native Americans, African Americans, Jewish, Spanish, Asian all people that are the minority aren't treated equal in this country, women aren't either, so I have never stood because of that, I was doing this way before all of this kneeling stuff started, I've been doing this since 1956. So, this is old stuff for me, but I continue to sit and most likely will forever because I don't see any justice happening in the near future if there is even one, with Frankenstein in the White House.
I'm glad to see that other people are kneeling. I won't kneel I will continue to sit that's my way of protesting. but if there are no chairs I will kneel.
I truly believe that humans really aren't suited to this planet, we are like a walking virus, we ruin everything we touch. Destroy everything in our path and humans are getting worse by the minute.
November 5, 2024, the fools voted for Trump again, Kamala Harris was running on the Democratic side, but people were so divided and listening to all the garbage that Fox Commentary was spitting out, plus the Palestinians over in Gaza was happening with the war against Isreal,
That the people just got caught up in all the lies that Trump was spitting out and now, he's back for another four years and he's totally dismantling the government, firing thousands of people, doing tariffs on Canada, Mexico and China, plus he's wanting to get Greenland and the Panama Canal.
He's a total nut case and should have gone to prison for his 34 convictions that he was charged with. So now we have a Convicted Felon in the White House.
He pardoned the January 6 insurrectionists and pardoned two people from Europe, which I can't remember their names.
He's wants to get rid of Social Security and Medicaid and Medicare, Department of Education, the list goes on and on.
He won't listen to the judges when they tell him what he can and can't do.
So, we are in a full Fascists Regime. He is a dictator, and he's horrible, still disgusting and worse than the first time.
Racism is in full blown working order.
I live in a red state, and I carry a gun and a go pro camera at all times when we are out. Since we live rural, I don't have to see these stupid red necks which is nice because it just disgusts me to even look at the people that voted for this idiot.
So, there you have it, we have no allies because Trump or as I call him "The Convicted Felon" is siding with Russia
Plus, he's mentioned that he doesn't want to leave the White House so he wants to make it so he can either run another term or just not leave and the Republican party are all for it. I call them the Maga Party.
Hopefully we will still have a country in four years.
and hopefully we can get him out before the four years are up.
I was part of the 92% of Black women that didn't vote for this disgusting excuse for a human being.
and J D Vance his side kick with Elon Musk is the same, gutter material.
Monday, August 21, 2017
Solar Eclipse , "September 21, 2017"
We went to Sullivan, Missouri to watch the Solar Eclipse. The drive up there was fast, no traffic on the way. we left at 7:30. stopped once, arrived about 9:30am. We went to a Flying J Truck Stop..
There weren't many people there when we arrived so we got a good space on the end next to the grass front and that way no one would be beside us on the driver side.
Around 11 am more people arrived, but still it never did get packed. There were people from Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, New Mexico, Mississippi, Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Arkansas.
There were a lot of Amish people that drove in from Indiana, they said that they came in a big van load. the van was really long and loaded with Amish people old and very young.
The people that parked next to us were from Texas..
We stayed for the entire eclipse. it was awesome. Very happy that we went and stayed for the whole thing. After that we headed home, there was traffic for about 45 minutes then it cleared and the rest of the trip were hardly any vehicles at all.
We arrived home at 7:30 pm.
The woman in the photo taking a picture of the eclipse was parked next to us. when it went into it's Totality, the lights came on in the parking lot and she started pictures , she was from Texas.
There were some really beautiful motor homes, travel trailers and vans, people were quiet then when the Totality happened they all started yelling like crazy.. it was quite funny.
There weren't many people there when we arrived so we got a good space on the end next to the grass front and that way no one would be beside us on the driver side.
Around 11 am more people arrived, but still it never did get packed. There were people from Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, New Mexico, Mississippi, Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Arkansas.
There were a lot of Amish people that drove in from Indiana, they said that they came in a big van load. the van was really long and loaded with Amish people old and very young.
The people that parked next to us were from Texas..
We stayed for the entire eclipse. it was awesome. Very happy that we went and stayed for the whole thing. After that we headed home, there was traffic for about 45 minutes then it cleared and the rest of the trip were hardly any vehicles at all.
We arrived home at 7:30 pm.
The woman in the photo taking a picture of the eclipse was parked next to us. when it went into it's Totality, the lights came on in the parking lot and she started pictures , she was from Texas.
There were some really beautiful motor homes, travel trailers and vans, people were quiet then when the Totality happened they all started yelling like crazy.. it was quite funny.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Pauline Rita DuFauchard-Williams was born:
April 17, 1933 in Chicago Illinois, and Died: January 5, 2017 Chicago Illinois to: Paul DuFauchard and Anita Edingburg,
She married Castor Zebulon Williams, October 11, 1952 in Cook County, Illinois.
They have two daughters living.
There are also three siblings, a brother and sister still living and Preston Paul DuFauchard deceased.
She has two grandsons and one granddaughter.
Also two great grandsons and one great granddaughter.
Pauline is my second cousin, she's on my Edingburg side which would be my paternal grandmothers side. I never had the chance to meet her in person, but I did talk to her on the phone.
When I was researching the Edingburg side of my family I put a post on Rootsweb looking for people related to Daniel Trigg Edingburg, That post sat with no replies for years probably seven years or more then I got a reply and from there this is how I came in contact with this large part of my family that I had no idea existed. Since then I have kept in constant contact with my new found cousins.
Pauline said that my dad and his brother would go to Chicago from Tennessee to see the family. She remembers them both being so handsome and the girls always saying how handsome they were. I knew nothing of this, for some unknown reason no one in my immediate family said a word about these cousins in Chicago.
Pauline's "Dufauchard" side of the family is from New Orleans and originally from Paris, France.
I'm doing research on this side of her family as well.
Pauline worked for the Curtiss Candy Company, she would bring bags of candy home for her family. The company started business in 1916 located on Illinois Street and Ogden Slip. Starting out with Babe Ruth candies, Later the company sold out to Standard Brands moved the facility to Franklin Park in 1966. The company would go through several more transfers of ownership. They made Butterfinger a popular candy.
While doing some research, I've found that there might be a large amount of royalty on the DuFauchard side. it appears on Jean Baptiste Dufauchard's side, there are several famous people like:
King Charles 11 of England, King Friedrich 1 of Prussia, Catherine de'Medici, Isabella Clara Eugenia of Austria, Vincent Price, Barbra Streisand, Jack Kerouac, and Madonna. I will be researching this more.
This is Pauline with one of her grandsons. I'm hoping to add some stories about her, plus where she went to school, and also to post where and when these photos were taken.
She looks so carefree in this photo. I wonder what she was thinking and what was going on at that time.
Love her smile in this photo.
Todd and Pauline, that's a cute picture.
I wonder what's on her mind?
She's eating. I don't think that was her favorite thing to do. I like her sweater.
Sort of a smile here.
This is all the information I have a the moment, I will update as I get more information.
Photo of Pauline's husband Castor.
David Daruska,, photo of Chicago, Forgotten Chicago 1968.
Other photos provided by family members.
April 17, 1933 in Chicago Illinois, and Died: January 5, 2017 Chicago Illinois to: Paul DuFauchard and Anita Edingburg,
She married Castor Zebulon Williams, October 11, 1952 in Cook County, Illinois.
They have two daughters living.
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Pauline |
She has two grandsons and one granddaughter.
Also two great grandsons and one great granddaughter.
Pauline is my second cousin, she's on my Edingburg side which would be my paternal grandmothers side. I never had the chance to meet her in person, but I did talk to her on the phone.
When I was researching the Edingburg side of my family I put a post on Rootsweb looking for people related to Daniel Trigg Edingburg, That post sat with no replies for years probably seven years or more then I got a reply and from there this is how I came in contact with this large part of my family that I had no idea existed. Since then I have kept in constant contact with my new found cousins.
Pauline said that my dad and his brother would go to Chicago from Tennessee to see the family. She remembers them both being so handsome and the girls always saying how handsome they were. I knew nothing of this, for some unknown reason no one in my immediate family said a word about these cousins in Chicago.
Pauline's "Dufauchard" side of the family is from New Orleans and originally from Paris, France.
I'm doing research on this side of her family as well.
Pauline worked for the Curtiss Candy Company, she would bring bags of candy home for her family. The company started business in 1916 located on Illinois Street and Ogden Slip. Starting out with Babe Ruth candies, Later the company sold out to Standard Brands moved the facility to Franklin Park in 1966. The company would go through several more transfers of ownership. They made Butterfinger a popular candy.
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Curtiss Candy Co. Illinois Street and Ogden Slip, Chicago, Illinois |
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Pauline |
King Charles 11 of England, King Friedrich 1 of Prussia, Catherine de'Medici, Isabella Clara Eugenia of Austria, Vincent Price, Barbra Streisand, Jack Kerouac, and Madonna. I will be researching this more.
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Pauline with her grandson |
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Pauline |
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Pauline |
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Todd and Pauline |
Todd and Pauline, that's a cute picture.
Pauline |
I wonder what's on her mind?
Pauline at Christmas |
She's eating. I don't think that was her favorite thing to do. I like her sweater.
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Pauline |
Sort of a smile here.
This is all the information I have a the moment, I will update as I get more information.
Photo of Pauline's husband Castor.
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Castor Zebulon Williams |
David Daruska,, photo of Chicago, Forgotten Chicago 1968.
Other photos provided by family members.
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