While doing some research and updating my family tree this showed up in my Ancestry Hints last night. It was so hard to read some of the document so I posted it on Facebook to a group I am in called Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness ,and they deciphered it for me. Thank you very much to the group for doing this.

It says May
Daniel Zuber being three times solemnly called & not appearing. Recognizance forfeited & respited till tomorrow morning.
Abraham Whitmores & Henry Whitmores Recognizance called Forfeited and respited till tomorrow morning.
George Weidle, Martin Myers & Benjamin Myers Recognizance called & forfeited -- forfeitures afterwards taken off By the Court ? ? prime? minutes
Daniel Zuber ( Felony ( illeg---)
? Confession
Prisoner being brought to the Bar & being asked why sentence of Death should not be passed upon him pleaded a Pardon had? In the hand of the president by order of Council & under the State Seal which was read in open Court and allowed.
Lancaster County Ss.
The CommonWealth of Pennsylvania
Henry Doern ...Tent in ...500 ( pounds)
Doern ... in 500 ( pounds
George Hoofnagle ... In 500 ( pounds)
Peter Row .... In 500 ( pounds)
The Condition of this Recognizance is such that you & each of you do personally appear in this Court of Oyer & Terminer & General Goal in an ACtion brought against Daniel Zuber for Passing Counterfeit Continental 40 Dollar Bills and you are not to depart said Court until legally discharged by due course of Law.
September 5th 1799
M?Lutely? or N?Hubley?
Daniel Zuber tent in 200 ( pounds)
Abraham Whitmore Tent in 50 ( pounds)
Peter Row Tent in 50 (pounds)
upon condition that if Daniel Zuber should? personally be and appear before the Justices of the ? Court of Oyer & Terminer to be held at Carlisle to testify agn Valentine Schockey etc ? & not depart etc?
I haven't established if Daniel was put in jail or if he had to pay the 200. The legal terminology is something hard to decipher for me anyway.
If I find out I will post an update to this page.
I haven't established if Daniel was put in jail or if he had to pay the 200. The legal terminology is something hard to decipher for me anyway.
If I find out I will post an update to this page.
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness